Category Archives: Look at My…

Look at my Picture Links

Ohhh, I’m so excited and pleased with myself.

I’d wanted to add the Share a Square button for ages and couldn’t find out how to do it!  I’d read the wordpress stuff and seen the html codes under buttons but had no idea what the heck I did with that – I had a view ideas where to stick them but none relevant to getting a picture link on my blog.  I’d checked out other wordpress blogs I read and the ones that had them were so thought they were the paid for domain thingies.  I was on the very brink of sending out an SOS post. (I can’t decide whether that is an SOS or a SOS – I’m sure someone will let me know!)

And then this morning I noticed that one of the wordpress blogs I subscribe to by email has started coming in with just the start of the post to lure you onto the blog itself, something I didn’t always do when the whole post appeared and there on that very blog was a button and at that moment I knew that it was possible to get a picture link on my blog!

And I surely was gonna get one before the day was out regardless of work, Christmas present making, two of which and three cards I need for a Christmas meal this evening, a trip to see B’s bottom consultant – it would all have to come second to me getting a picture link.

As it turned out it was real easy and I can’t believe it took me so long.  Mind you I’m also finding it difficult to believe that I spent the best part of half an hour on Saturday trying to find a piece of fleece to use in a Christmas present only to remember as I was lying in bed yesterday morning that it had been given to Buddy to use on the back seat of the car at least four weeks ago!

So I give you, for your delectation, my first two picture links over there, no, up a bit, just above on the right, above email subscription  and blog roll, under Things I got involved in, yeah, just there – ahhhh, let’s savour the moment!

Look at my Begonia

We went to my Auntie Ann’s yesterday and she gave me this…

Apparently I’d sounded down when I spoke to her on Friday night to say I wasn’t going in for my stem cell transplant on Monday.  It’s just as well I didn’t ring her as soon as I got home or she’d have bought the whole of Delamere Forest!

I got one off our neighbour and his ladyfriend last year and it seemed to be doing okay until I shook it to get rid of the faded flowers and the whole top fell off!  I think I may have over watered it, which is suprising because I normally maintain a ‘treat ’em mean, keep ’em keen’ plant policy.

We’ll check back in a month to see how the begonia is doing.

Look at my Fabric

On the way to Edinburgh we stopped off at Cabbage Patch Fabrics under duress but B insisted!

Here’s one I bought a couple of years ago and still haven’t used but this didn’t put me off.


Here’s my new two


If you look really closely at the zany blue one and the little black character in the middle – that’s the exact same look B has when he’s in the car and I’m driving!

The Peacock’s making me feel Guilty

Here’s the Red Ruby Rose Peacock cluth bag.

It’s been sitting on top of the printer since I used it looking at me accusingly since I had intended not to open it until my birthday.

I’ve had to move it to the bedroom where its currently sitting on the top of the built in cupboard/shelf thingie so I’m only getting occassional looks now!

Look at my er… cake???

I decided two weeks ago that I couldn’t eat a treat unless I made it myself. 

This is my chocolate and berry cake.

It actually tasted okay but a bit dry surprisingly.

On the other hand this is my Auntie Eleanor’s parkin which I graciously received today.

And here’s a tip if you ever make or receive parkin.  Pop it in the freezer for a while and thaw before consuming and it makes it kind of sticky and even gorgeouser.

Look at my Poop Scoop Bags

When we were looking after Tommy, B came home one morning and informed me that he had bought me a present and it was in the kitchen.  I rushed downstairs all excited and look what I got…

Bernard was quick to point out that they are PERFURMED!  But let’s face it it takes a lot to cover Eau de Poop.

On the impromptu gift front this has been preceded in the past by two spanners* – which were both the same size – one for each hand so I could work twice as fast!

After having attempted to use them I would like to point out that I don’t know when Bob Martin last scooped a poop himself but it must have belonged to a very miniature animal because I had problems with Tommy’s,  goodness knows how you’d get on with a dalmatian.  The PERFUMED bags are very fine which is okay for some things but in my book nothing that requires a poop scoop bag should be felt.

*  I did actually like the spanners.

Look at My Mannequin

It’s trying to give me a heart attack.  When she (I suppose) arrived she was quarantined in the porch as there was a strong smell of glue about her and I didn’t want to get high.  I think she may be holding this against me. 

I moved her up to the smaller back bedroom and she was at the end of the desk literally as you walk into the room.  Bernard rang me at 6:30 am to see if I wanted any shopping.  The reception was iffy and he rang me back on the landline.  I leapt out of bed and ran (kind of) into the back bedroom and exclaimed ‘Oh deary me’ or words to that effect and jumped two feet back, heart pounding and missed the phone. 

So after doing that again, to a lesser degree, I moved her into the larger back bedroom and she still managed to make me jump.  So she’s now in the hall and is obviously quite happy there for everyone to see as she seems to have eased up on the Kato type attacks. 

I however am only marginally closer to achieving her vital statistics.  This having absolutely nothing to do with friends calling round and bringing lemon drizzle cake, four cream cakes and B buying four egg custards because I only ate three of them the following day!!!!!!!  I started with the chocolate eclair I’d put in the freezer with my breakfast on the basis that I then had all day to work it off, but then added to it with a jam and cream doughnut as an afternoon snack and lemon drizzle cake for supper – presumably on the basis I’d sleep it off.  I’ve been better since.  Although I did read that you lose 10% body weight during a stem cell transplant so may be I should stock up on the eclairs.

Look at my Tommy 2 (Well technically he’s not mine)

If you don’t like small furry animals look away now.  Here’s some pics I took of Tommy while we had him and because he’s ‘so adorable’ (imagine squeaky soppy voice) I felt the need to share them.

 ‘Hey, what’s going on?’


 ‘What are you looking at?’

‘I was enjoying my sleep and I’d like some privacy.’

 ‘If you’re not going to leave me alone, let’s see you show this to polite company!’

 Ha, fortunately we have the technology.

We were supposed to be having Auntie Ann’s own dog, Ben, instead but it was just as well we had Tommy again because Ben wouldn’t have been interested in going out in the snow after all he’s only a Bernese Mountain Dog!

 I think the reason I had trouble with my photos last week may have had something to do with Tommy.  He insisted it was a good idea for him to sit on my knee so that he could look out of the window and warn off attacking birds.  Once this job was done he endeavoured to assist with the photos by putting his muzzle firmly on the lap top while I was typing on the wireless keyboard obviously in an effort to speed things up so that we could get on with his walk.

Look at My Blog

Progress to date. It may not be impressive compared to some but so far I’ve managed to upload my own photo at the top, add blogroll and other links, schedule a posting and change the description under the title. This last one may seem like a small thing but I must have spent 45 minutes or maybe more the other night clicking away and then took to my bed. The following day after showing a friend’s husband how to do something with folders on windows (something I know about), I had another look and it took all of TWO minutes.