Tag Archives: the car

The Perils of Parking

You may recall that B can be a little ‘precious’ about the his car and the one thing he hasn’t had to worry about since last November is me driving it – until yesterday!  I didn’t even tell him about my intention as I thought to quote a friend ‘don’t trouble trouble’.

With not having dialysis yesterday and our next door neighbours collecting me from Liverpool after I’d dropped off my bottle of wee I knew I would be back in time to drive myself to Armchair Yoga.  It’s not far to our new location, just four miles, but it gets busy along the road and I was a tad apprehensive.  BUT I had the incentive to make a shorter trial run to our GPs’ medical centre – the incentive being I’d run out of stronger painkillers.  If your giving me any kind of look you can save your facial muscles because B already did it when he found out.  How did I do this?  I’m not too sure – I was going to try and explain but when I started typing things they still have me thinking – how did I manage to run out.  Needless to say some niggly pain can certainly be an incentive.

I was reversing off the drive thinking ‘What am I doing?’ followed swiftly by ‘It’ll be fine.’ and it was – apart from a windy moment on the small car park at the medical centre, a little ‘kerb drill’ as my Dad used to say when I moved too far over to allow a car past on our road (I have to say I forgot to tell B about it) and this…

The car is 51cm (20″) from the porch window, a reasonable distance I think but which in B’s opinion is too close.

B had briefly woke up after I’d been to the doctors and when he discovered that I’d been out in the car he wanted to know ‘if it was alright’.  He and Bud were out walking when I arrived back from Armchair Yoga and I looked up from what I was doing in the kitchen to find B giving the car the once over and then when he saw me he shouted ‘Could you get it any closer?’  Well obviously I could of.  It’s one of those things were usually I’d have to push it but I could just see it ending in an emergency glazier and paying extra to have it done before B woke up – he’d probably sleep through the bang.

The best thing is I was actually relieved that B hadn’t seen me stop on the drive since the position the car ended up was the first place we stopped or more likely STOPPED.  At least I know the brakes are good.

A fellow Armchair Yoga-ist said that when he saw our car on the car park he fully expected to walk in and find B in a chair!

Bud and I also went for a tramp in the wood yesterday – a short walk that is as opposed to setting about a vagrant – another first since November.  We went again today at Bud’s insistence.  You do something that he likes once and it sets a precedent.

Do you like the car Bud?

On shorter trips, trips on windy roads and ones with lots of stopping, starting, slowing down Bud can be a bit unsettled and his position of choice is generally with his head stuck between the seats protesting profusely – presumably in case either of us makes a run for it without him.  He will settle down on long stretches of dual carriageway or motorway and is quite happy to flop down on his side when travelling at 70 mph bracing himself against the back of the seat with his paws.  I don’t have a picture of this as I didn’t want to disturb him and re-start the whinging.  Fortunately Bud was very good on the way up but now gets car sick – as in he’s sick of getting in the car.

I threw in one to show that inbetween traumatic car trips he is able to chill out.

Bumper Cars

We’re having trouble with the internet again however if I had been able to post on Friday evening this is what I would have said…

Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  {Gasp!  Inhale…}  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped the car.  Someone bumped Margaret’s car.  That wasn’t me I’ve never been to Italy.  Someone bumped Bernard’s car.  THAT… WAS… ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow this is how it looked on Saturday…?

If only bones were made of something similar!


Engineer 17

Ohhhhh, look this week I have no creative space to show you.  I do have more orange knitting but it’s shy and doesn’t want to be seen yet.

I do however have a toilet that flushes or more correctly that flushes water which then disappears off somewhere never to be my problem again.  I can whole heartedly recommend engineer number 17 (Eddie) and anyone who lives in the north west of England shouldn’t hesitate to get him in should they have a drainage related problem.

After the plumber saying that the blockage was ‘not in the vicinity of the toilet’ and that they ‘didn’t have the equipment for anything else’ it turned out that they mustn’t carry plungers.  Either that or he was on a promise.  Engineer 17 after being told exactly the same as the plumber said ‘I’ll have it sorted in three minutes’.  And he did! This meant I only had to write a cheque (check) for the lower amount.  Should the problem recur they will come back free of charge within the next three months.  To be sure I get my money’s worth I’ve been stuffing toilet paper down – still on the roll.

Yesterday and today I got to take the car to the garage to get new brake pads and discs (not that big a job but they didn’t have them in stock).  It’s a good job I was sitting down for the cost of that.

And last night when I sat down to blog the internet wouldn’t connect.  I’m counting that as my third ‘these things come in threes’ of the week so that my blood results tomorrow don’t enter the equation.

Driving in Falling Snow is Wildly Exciting!

The Friday before Christmas Eve we had the biggest deposit of snow in one go that I can remember and we, the car and I, got to drive in it.

I’d clocked off work at 18:00 and agreed with B that I would drive to see Chris, the friend who’d had the mini stroke at the beginning of the week, on my own.  There was a light dusting of not quite snow, not quite just frost on the ground and I was heard to say that I had driven in much worse with my driving instructor in January so what was there to be worry about?!?!?! I agreed to be home by 19:30 – as I just needed to Chris with my own two eyes to confirm that she was okay.

I was a little longer than anticipated as Chris and her hubby were about to have their tea when I arrived and Chris as me to have a cup of tea after.  Her husband was going to choir practice and this needed me to move the car.  We walked out and it was snowing – a bit.  He ummmed and errrrrred about whether to go and then went.  I went back in and agreed with Chris that I’d just have the tea and then go.  I’d barely got my backside on the settee when the phone rang.  We bet that it would be B asking where I was but no, it was Chris’s husband saying he was coming home.

Ohhhh, we looked outside, it was coming down thick and fast.  Maybe I, who had been driving  9 months, and the car B adores should head home.  Chris suggested I could stay there but there were two things to consider – me getting home to Buddy and the car getting home to B.

So Chris gave me instructions on which corners to be careful of and how I should attempt not to break at the junction of her road and the main road and off I went.

There was so much snow coming down I had to have the windscreen wipers on fast and it was building up rapidly on the ground.  I got to the junction of Chris’s road and eased to a stop.  There were cars on either side and no room to move over if something was coming.  I almost thought about staying but that would have involved turning round anyway so I might as well give it a go.

I acquired a vehicle behind me, or should I say BEHIND me, way too close – well certainly for my liking.  Did they not know it was snowing and that this was my first time driving in snow when it was falling from the sky and how much B thought of the car?

I went across a mini roundabout.  Not in the conventional way of ‘go straight ahead’ meaning take the second (generally) exit but literally as nothing was coming.

The roads between Chris’s and the main road, which she assured me would be clear, are windy country roads and as I approached the next bend, doing all of 10 miles an hour, I slid onto the opposite side of the road.  By this time my heart was beating like a bird’s.  Fortunately the oncoming car was about 200 feet off.  I slid/steered back onto my side.

‘I can always pull over and get out and walk back’ I thought.  However what if something happened to the car.  Let’s keep going.  Just keep, as per the driving theory test, in the highest gear possible and what can go wrong.

I got to the second T junction Chris had warned me about and had to stop as there were cars passing.  Okay deep breaths.  We can do this.  Got onto the road and phew this takes us down to the dual carriageway which is going to be clear.

This road slopes, gently as it turns out, to the traffic lights, but that night it felt like we were coming down the north face of the Eiger with a little four wheel drive already at the bottom, or rather the lights, which were on RED.  Well I guess that means we won’t slide into oncoming traffic just into the back of the 4×4.  I think I very well may have a heart attack first.

With impeccable timing the lights changed to green.  We turn right, the road was anything but clear.  I couldn’t see a hint of road surface, just a slight indentation from the cars in front of which there weren’t that many.  So it’s now just one straight road, a right turn and three left turns and we’re parked on the drive.

This dual carriageway always seems a relatively level road and suddenly I realised that it is actually up and down like a roller coaster.  Roller coasters are probably not a good idea for me anymore however I have to say I have never been so scared on a roller coaster.  My heart was pounding.  I was wildly terrified AND wildly excited.

I had to move over, across the outside lane to get to the turning lane.  Our rear end slid out as we turned right.  Wooohoooo nearly home.  The car behind pulled over to the fast lane and started to overtake.  Don’t hit us – I don’t want to have to explain this to B so close to home.  It overtook us and then all the cars in front.  It was a clapped out old banger – maybe I should get one of those.

Now we had the slip road with bollards (very nearly what I was thinking by them) at the turning point.  We managed to avoid those, then the turn at the end of the road and onto the drive to find B peering through the bedroom window.  B who then starts giving me hand gestures as to how close to get to the porch.  No pressure there then.  I get out and the boot (trunk) is practically on the pavement.  So I get back in to move it and the tyres wouldn’t grip.  I thought sod it and got out.

I had never actually understood the expression ‘I need a drink’ until that night.  I NEEDED a drink.

I got in to a warm welcome of Bud and a B with a face like a smacked backside.

B:  ‘If you’d left at 19:00 like you said you’d have missed it!’

Me:  ‘I’m glad to see both you and the car made it home okay a major achievement considering how long you’ve been driving.’

B:  ‘You were the one that said you’d driven in snow before.’

Me:  ‘Yes with my driving instructor, in snow that was on the ground, in daylight!  If anything went pear shaped I could have got out and he could have taken over.’

I however was way too hyper by then to let B’s glumness bring me down and after two single malts, one with hot water and honey and the other neat while I was waiting for the kettle to boil, and a phone call to Chris and my Auntie Ann (who had called while I was out) to confirm I had made it home in one piece Bud and I went out to play fetch in the snow and left the grinch inside!  ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!

Creative Space – Brown Paper Packages Wrapped up with…

masking tape!  My name is Paula Kilgallon and I have a brown paper and masking tape fetish!

This week my creative space is, or rather, was full this afternoon of these…

Buddy parcels.  Wrapped up ready to got to the post office and then off into the wide world.  I can’t show the contents because some people who read this may very well have ordered some!

B said he would take them to the local post office for me, basically so I didn’t drive the car again this week in the miniscule amount of snow that we have had.  Then this afternoon when he saw them he got a bit windy –


Me: ‘Yes’

B: ‘Do I have to fill in any things?’

Me:  ‘If by that you mean customs labels, yes for some of them you do.’

B:  ‘Can they wait until tomorrow?’

Me:  ‘No!’

B:  General chunering.

Me:  ‘If you wait while I wrap another one I’ll come with you in my break!’

B:  ‘Okay then.’

B will even inconvenience himself to avoid me driving our his car!

Other creative spaces can be seen here – they may very well to crafty people who have their own cars so there is unlikely to be husband bashing!


Creative Space Thursday Again

Artyish photo – The tie on Buddy’s duvet…

Trimmed of it’s loose ends this morning.

Does Buddy like it?  Well yes…

and no…

(Oh I made that quilt too by the way, many, many moons ago)

and undecided...

And what was all the panic yesterday over this…

something always comes along to put things in perspective – like this, this morning…

It’s been nice knowing you!

There’s no need to panic!

Really there isn’t.  Keep calm!  Everything will be okay!  Really?  No, there’s every reason to PANIC, and then PANIC some more!  LOTS AND LOTS OF PANIC and lets throw in some anxiety for the fun of it!

As you may be aware my darling husband LOVES his NEW car (when exactly do cars stop being NEW – this one is 12 months old in November for goodness sake – B could probably tell us exactly how many months, days and hours old it is exactly).

Well, okay deep breaths, in with the calm out with the not so calm.  Buddy and I went out in my lunch break in the car.  I contemplated taking him on his second walk of the day but the weather was lousy so we went for a drive for another essential dog toy and some non essential dog food.  The toy was one I’d seen last week it was a big goose with a ropey neck and legs (Mister Twister) – because B is a little unsure around the small rubber ring that we got Buddy (which he loves) as B has never owned a dog and he gets a little nervous with his hand so close to Buddy’s mouth when he’s frothing and growling – Buddy not B!  Needless to say Buddy proceeded to introduce the goose to the garden this afternoon and brought it back in at my insistence all damp and with a broken wing after all of about three minutes!

When we went into the pet shop he was so good – even though I was by then a little distracted – he got two treats off the cashier for being so good and sitting when I asked him to for the treat and complemented by the couple in front whose dog is half the size and apparently has a ‘give me the treat or I’ll bite you’ attitude!  He also got fussed by both of them and was so well mannered they were so impressed!  I should have got something in writing.

When we got to the retail park my first port of call was TK Maxx for the goose and I had to leave Bud in the car! THE CAR!  Now on Saturday we called at ASDA after leaving my Auntie Ann’s and left Buddy in the car with his harness still attached to the seat belt.  I got back to the car to discover that he’d decided to play ballerina and pirouetted round and round and round until he, the harness and the seat belt were as one.  He had then attempted to free himself from this predicament by CHEWING THE SEAT BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I looked at the seatbelt slack jawed in horror he jumped out of the back seat while still attached and managed to escape from his harness whilst leaving it still buckled!?!?! Maybe we should rename him Houdini.  Fortunately he is quite obedient and got back in his harness at my insistence just in time for B to arrive with the milk he’d gone back for.  I then got Buddy strapped back in without B noticing anything untoward.  I obviously then confessed to the misdemeanour and B took it really well – I know I should probably have started to panic there and then.  He didn’t even get flustered when a neighbour informed us that the car won’t pass an MOT with a seatbelt damaged in any way, I had suggested we could say the m-i-l tried to chew her way out – she has never been able to successfully operate a seatbelt to Bernard and his brother’s continuing annoyance.

We decided that when we left him in the car in future we would release the harness.  I did this on Monday when I nipped to the chemist – he was in the car alone all of three minutes and somehow an alarm went off – which is a bit worrying because we don’t have one!  Either he found one somewhere or I totally didn’t see someone going to a neighbouring car and switching their alarm off at the exact moment that I pressed the door release and the noise stopped – it’s a small car park and I would have had to have had my eyes closed for this to be the case.

When we arrived at TK Maxx  Buddy was settled on the back seat – so you know what I did – I left him there because he whines a bit in the car anyway so as he was settled I didn’t want to disturb him by moving him to unbuckle the seat belt.  That makes sense.  IT DOES.

I whizzed through the store as fast as my lytic lesion in my right femur would allow, grabbed the goose by the neck and queued and queued – while some elderly lady and her quite rude son debated whether they were prepared to pay for a carrier bag!

I got back to the car to see Buddy still on the back seat, looking cutely out of the window – awwwwwwww – I opened the door to tell him what a good boy he was and give him the goose and nearly passed out.  He may have been seating there cutely gazing out of the window but he didn’t have to be sat there because HE HAD CHEWED COMPLETELY THROUGH THE SEATBELT!

I haven’t told B yet – when I got home I pulled the back seat forward and wedged the end of the seat belt behind it before clicking it back into place!  It could have been worse I nearly put him in the passenger seat it was only the thought that it would be better to be consistent that stopped me!

I think I can safely say I am in deep, deep doo-doo!

Oh, and if any of you so much as snicker (not naming any names in particular – Denise) I will send you a lambasting email.

I’m now going for a lie down in a dark room!