Creative Space Thursday Again

Artyish photo – The tie on Buddy’s duvet…

Trimmed of it’s loose ends this morning.

Does Buddy like it?  Well yes…

and no…

(Oh I made that quilt too by the way, many, many moons ago)

and undecided...

And what was all the panic yesterday over this…

something always comes along to put things in perspective – like this, this morning…

It’s been nice knowing you!

5 responses to “Creative Space Thursday Again

  1. Oh no!! I hate it when that happens.

    I’m guessing B hasn’t seen the blue artwork yet? Can you blame this one on Buddy?!!

  2. Definitely not new now….so cures that problem xx

  3. Fiona – B didn’t get to see the blue artwork I cleaned it off and applied T-cut – ever the optimist! It did actually look ‘less bad’! 😀

    Mike – HAHA! Yes well I guess I answered that question! xx

  4. Oh my! Isn’t that the car I just saw your mother-in-law driving this morning? Yes, I’m sure of it. She had a tyrannosaurus rex sitting in the back seat gnawing on something.
    They are CAR-nivores, doncha know. ;o)

  5. You will be lovingly remembered as a brave woman.

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